Traditional organic fertilizers are simply blends of organic nutrients. When applied to soil, the plants rely on soil microbes to break down those nutrients to a simple form that the plants can eventually absorb.
This digestion process usually takes anywhere from weeks to months to take place in soil, which can make growing organically quite a challenge as it takes a long time for farmers to see results from these organic inputs.
AgroThrive is the only organic fertilizer that has already gone through this digestion process before going into the soil, which is what makes our fertilizers the fastest acting organic products in the market!
In addition, the microbes that finish our digestion are present in the final product to stimulate soil and contribute to overall plant and soil health.
PDP: The Sustainable Solution for Handling Industrial Food Waste
Industrial food waste has been a burden for every sector involved: concentrated animal feeding operations, food processors, local waste collectors, and above all – our environment. Traditional disposal methods all have their own environmental risks as highlighted in this video. Meanwhile, traditional agriculture practices have depleted our soils of organic matter, and farmers are continuously looking for new ways to replenish their soil with organics and microbial life.
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Our Vision
Our Mission is to improve the health of our soils, seas, and skies by safely repurposing nutrient dense organic wastes into sustainable bio-fertilizers.
Environmental Compatibility
Our proprietary Progressive Digestion Process (PDP) is environmentally compatible technology that harnesses the power of natural microbial and enzymatic digestion of organic wastes from industrial food processing operations in production of AgroThrive liquid organic fertilizers. Rather than going into landfills and harming our environment, organic waste used by AgroThrive is diverted from the waste stream to make a food safe fertilizer that recharges the soil. We are liquid organic fertilizer manufacturers long-term sustainability in mind.
Reduced Nitrate Leaching
AgroThrive has shown to reduce nitrate use by up to 25% while retaining or increasing yields. In addition, increased microbial respiration in soil helps immobilize nitrates thus reducing their leaching out during irrigation.
Reduced Water Use
Research shows that organic fertilizers contribute to improved soil structure and water retention. Our greenhouse testing showed that using AgroThrive LF facilitated up to 20% reduction of water use.
100% Solar Powered
Our facility in California is powered by 2.5 acres of solar panels completely replacing our traditional electric power needs.
Food Safety & Quality Assurance
AgroThrive, Inc. is the only organic bio-fertilizer manufacturer that uses HACCP, a food safety technology reserved for production of food for human consumption. Our PDP process delivers pathogen kill several times that of traditional composting. In addition, our QA program includes complete pathogen and nutrient analyses of every lot with a hold and release program and a computerized trace back system in place. A heavy metals analysis and Nitrogen 14 to Nitrogen 15 ratio for organic integrity is provided every 3 months.