AgroThrive is built on the belief that all organic wastes can be converted to safe and nutritious organic fertilizers.

Dragan Macura (M. Sc.) founder and CEO, has taken his passion for food safety, organic integrity, and environmental stewardship to a professional level establishing AgroThrive Inc. in Salinas Valley, CA in 2006.  AgroThrive is built around family values. Dragan’s two sons have been part of AgroThrive since its inception, and are actively involved in day to day operations.

AgroThrive has also partnered with other equally passionate, well educated, talented, and energetic professionals to help lead the company. Everyone at AgroThrive shares the belief that the future of agriculture lies in reducing reliance on chemical and synthetic fertilizers while increasing organic inputs for improved tilth and soil health.

Progressive Digestion Process (PDP), the main technology behind AgroThrive, is the scientific bridge between industrial food waste and liquid organic fertilizer in 21 days. PDP harnesses the digesting power of microbes in spoiled organic wastes, creates biological heat that eliminates all pathogens, and reduces reliance on chemicals in soil. Our organic ingredients include concentrated plant proteins, fish and seafood waste, and other nutrients. PDP has the unique ability to use hard to handle organic materials and transform them into beneficial organic fertilizers. Thus, PDP is an innovative technology closing the loop between food waste and food production. AgroThrive is used on both certified organic and conventional acreage.

AgroThrive is proud to play a significant part in environmental stewardship. The quality of the food we eat is very important, and so is the impact we leave on the environment. That’s why our goal is to build a better world for us today, and for our children and grandchildren tomorrow by reducing reliance on heavy chemical and pesticide use in agriculture. Our facility in Salinas Valley, CA is also completely solar powered.

For nearly 15 years AgroThrive has grown by word of mouth, as our faithful customers continue to expand their operations and recommend AgroThrive to others. Our customers are key members of the AgroThrive’s extended family and a major component of our continued success.

If you would like to try AgroThrive please contact us at [email protected]

Our mission is to improve the health of our soils, seas, and skies by safely repurposing nutrient dense organic wastes into sustainable bio-fertilizers.

The Progressive Digestion Process

The Progressive Digestion Process is an ideal bridge between the always growing, nutrient dense mountains of organic waste generated by the food industry, and the organically depleted arable land that must have organic content in order to continue producing food for the world’s growing population.

How Did It Start?

The invention of the Haber-Bosch process for production of ammonia in WW1 enabled affordable production of nitrogen-based fertilizers and has changed the way we grow food on Earth. Although nitrogen is the most sought-after nutrient for successful plant growth, the excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers in agriculture has contributed to the contamination of our waterways adversely affecting marine life habitats and our drinking water. The excess nutrients in the lakes, rivers and oceans of the world has led to the massive algal blooms that starve water of oxygen making it inhospitable to oxygen breathing marine life creating the so called “dead zones”.

Why Does It Matter?

Soils that contain organic matter and high microbial activity retain more nutrients and water compared to the soils with minimal organic matter. Our research shows that AgroThrive can replace up to 30% of nitrogen fertilizer by volume substitution and either retain or improve the yields. In addition, the resulting increase in microbial activity in soil temporarily sequesters the chemical nutrients in the form of microbial biomass only to release them later for the plants to absorb. While the chemical fertilizers have contributed to the depletion of soil organic matter and microbial life for decades, AgroThrive improves soil organic matter, support the plant’s beneficial microbial communities, and soil ecology. With the absence of excess nutrients in our waterways, dead zones in the oceans and lakes would be repopulated and eventually eliminated altogether.

Looking Toward The Future!

PDP has the ability to end all greenhouse gas emissions emitted from landfilled food waste. Food waste is among the top three contributors of greenhouse gas emissions across the world. This isn’t just the food waste we scrape off the plate into the garbage can after a big meal, but rather the 40-60% of the inedible waste that comes from animals raised for human consumption. While materials such as vegetables and starches can be easily composted, it can take months, if not years, for an animal carcass to decompose naturally. Technologies such as rendering can repurpose some parts of the animal by separating fats, proteins, and other usable components, but this method is time consuming, energy intensive, and still creates waste, while PDP is fast, it is energy efficient, and it generates no waste. In addition, PDP generates biological heat that eliminates pathogens to make the resulting fertilizers ‘food safe’, and the small amount of energy used to run the PDP equipment is generated by solar panels.