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Liquid Fertilizer Calcium Enhanced

AgroThrive LFCa | Calcium Enhanced Liquid Organic Fertilizer

AgroThrive LFCa is a specialty organic fertilizer that, in addition to 3-3-2 NPK, has 1% Calcium that comes from digested chicken bones. Calcium is known as a multi-functional nutrient that plays a role in both structural and functional processes in plant cells. It participates in cell wall structure and cell membrane permeability and is known to help mitigate plant diseases such as cracking and blossom end rot in tomatoes, tip burn in lettuce, calcium deficiency in celery, and bitter pit in apples. LFCa, like other AgroThrive products, also carries a balanced nutrient profile and stimulates soil microbial activity as well as plant root biomass and an abundance of root hairs.

Recommended Rates

Crop Applied Rate Results
Artichokes 2 x 10 gpa Improved root growth and plant quality
Lettuce 20 gpa Improved quality, Increased yield
Melons 2 x 10 gpa Improved root growth and plant quality
Onions/Peas 2 x 20 gpa Increased yield
Potatoes 2 x 20 gpa Increased yield, Improved uniformity
Spinach 2 x 10 gpa Improved quality, Increased yield
Other crops 20 gpa during root development
gpa = gallons per acre
mo = month

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Food Safety & Quality Assurance

AgroThrive, Inc. is the only organic bio-fertilizer manufacturer that uses HACCP, a food safety technology reserved for production of food for human consumption. Our PDP process delivers pathogen kill several times that of traditional composting. In addition, our QA program includes complete pathogen and nutrient analyses of every lot with a hold and release program and a computerized trace back system in place. A heavy metals analysis and Nitrogen 14 to Nitrogen 15 ratio for organic integrity is provided every 3 months.